[COVID19 color="red" confirmed_title="Cases" deaths_title="Deaths" recovered_title="Recovered"]
[COVID19-BANNER position="bottom" confirmed_title="Cases" deaths_title="Deaths" recovered_title="Recovered" active_title="Active"]
[COVID19-SHEET country_title="Country" land="" rows="10" search="Search by Country..." confirmed_title="Cases" today_cases="24h" deaths_title="Deaths" today_deaths="24h" recovered_title="Recovered" active_title="Active" tests_title="Tests"]
[COVID19-WIDGET country="Bangladesh" title_widget="Bangladesh" format="full" confirmed_title="Confirmed" deaths_title="Deaths" recovered_title="Recovered" active_title="Active" today_cases="24h" today_deaths="24h"]
[COVID19-WIDGET title_widget="🌎 Worldwide" format="full" land="" confirmed_title="Cases" deaths_title="Deaths" recovered_title="Recovered" active_title="Active" today_cases="24h" today_deaths="24h"]

Wash Your Hands Properly

Step 1

Wet your hands with water.

Step 2

Apply soap.

Step 3

Rub your hands together.

Step 4

Rub the back of the other hand and clean in between the fingers.

Step 5

Rub your hands together and clean in between your fingers.

Step 6

Rub the back of your fingers against your palms.

Step 7

Rub your thumb using your other hand.

Step 8

Rub the tips of your fingers on the palm of your other hand.

Step 9

Rinse your hands with water.

Step 10

Dry your hands completely with a disposable towel.

Step 11

Use the disposable towel to turn off the tap.

Step 12

You did it! Now – celebrate!